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明星的秘密英文,怎样看待明星的隐私 英语作文

时间:2024-01-11 14:20 来源:明星热点资讯网 作者:admin
导读:How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest 你怎样看待选美比赛明星的秘密英文? How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest 你怎样看待选美比赛? The collection of the beauty just

How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest

How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest
The collection of the beauty just only have one implied rules,that means:Not any meaning.If you were go to the collection of the beauty,you need pay your youngth to commpany with a rich person.He will pay more money to raise you.You will have more money.But actually,two or three years later,he will change girlfriend.And you also need to live with their together.
If I have a girl,she is beautiful,I don't like her go to collection of beauty.But if she really want to do that,I also will support her.

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